Monday, September 5, 2011

What does daddy understand?

Just got back from another painful visit by my dad.

For the past few months, we (my siblings and I) have been discussing whether daddy recognizes us at all.
It's very obvious that he doesn't know us by name, or who exactly we are, but sometimes we get the feeling that he recognizes our faces, and connects us to some familiar face from the past. We belong. Somehow.

In the past few weeks, daddy has been very uncooperative, neglecting to answer our questions.
He's partially (mostly?) lost his ability to speak coherent words.
Yesterday though, I heard him answer (correctly) 2 direct question, asked by one of the caregivers;

Are you feeling good? Yes
Are you Angry? No! (exclamation in daddy's voice! He's been yelling randomly for the past half year, which brings us to think that something is bothering him, and perhaps he is angry).

I afterwards tried my luck at asking my questions, and got back 1-2 clear one-word answers, but that was it.

I was getting ready to leave, and then all of a sudden he turns to me: "please help me".
"Daddy", I responded, "How can I help you? What can I do for you to help you?"
"Help me".
And then he wasn't coherent anymore.

Daddy needs help.
And so do I.
I need my daddy.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Last Kaddish

Today, at Mincha,  I recited the last Kaddish for my mom.

The last of the 11 months...

I choked over the Kaddish as I choked in her Levaya.

It's a sense of saying goodbye. While we were saying Kaddish there was a feeling of some kind of kesher, a bond.

Now there's another level of separation. A lesser level of connection.

with tears in my eyes... bye Mommy. I love you so...